India is facing increasing levels of pressure on its environment and ecology with the accelerated growth in development and population. To counter these pressures, we at The Bison adopt best practices to foster the efficient and sustainable use of energy and natural resources. The Bison Conservation Centre focuses on drawing up action plans for resource efficiency.

Our aim is to create alternate revenues for approximately 800-1000 families in the next 10 years in order to achieve their complete independence from the forests. At The Bison, we use eco-tourism as an integral tool for conservation and strive to remove the ever-increasing human pressures from our fast dwindling forests.

The Bison family has two decades of experience in addressing the man-animal conflict. We believe that every individual reading this message will in the future, give a little something back to conservation and help us in our fight to conserve and protect the environment. Here are a couple of ways you could become part of this conservation movement.

Forest Department

  • Support forest department in data collection
  • Help with forest fires
  • Educate the locals
  • Spread awareness
  • Assist in the conservation centre


  • Computer training
  • Languages (English & Hindi)
  • Developing local arts and artisans

Vocational Training

  • Train people who live off the illegal forest and assure them of a secure future
  • Teach basic driving skills, plumbing and cooking


  • Check for illegal snares and electric wires in the forest
  • Help eliminate illegal fishing
  • Look out for illegal movement of animals and humans in the forest

Health and Hygiene

  • Educate the locals on TB, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis and Malaria.
  • Understand the need for essential hygiene requirements.
  • Provide extended support for prevention and cure of such illnesses.

As you begin your work at The Bison Conservation Centre, you will also learn more about the Nagarhole and Kabini Forests and their beautiful animals, birds and insects. You will understand the many evolving conflicts in the field and we will work together to find solutions.